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July 2024 Village Happenings!


Village News:

  • The regional Water for Life Project has been approved. Once the project has been completed, Milo will serve as being the Hub Water Treatment Plant for Milo, Arrowwood, and Mossleigh.
  • The new campground plans have been approved, and work will be commencing this fall.

Community Standards Reminders:

  • Please be aware that the Vulcan County Peace Officers will be starting to hand out fines for any unsightly premises. It is your responsibility to keep your front, side, and back yard free from noxious and unwanted weeds. Should you need assistance in keeping your yard within the community standards, please contact the office.
  • Regarding animal control, it is the animal owner’s responsibility of any animal to clean up any and all fecal matter from that animal. You are guilty of an offense, and subject to penalties if you do not clean up your own pet’s fecal matter. Animals must be on a leash while off the premises of the owner.

Post Office:

  • Please be aware that the Village Post Office is NOT an officially listed/paid Purolator drop off location. We accept and hold Purolator items as a completely complimentary service. We have no official drop off schedule and it is not our responsibility to ensure drop offs take place in a timely matter. We also have NO control over delivery notifications or attempts. Please keep this in mind when ordering items to 200 Center Street rather than your home address. Thank you

Thank you for your cooperation! We hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather!